Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shout Outs!

 There's a few shout outs I must give today.
  Shout Out #1:
 ....goes to Homemade baby food. It was fun and easy and I'm sure it saved money but it's way too much work for me to actually calculate it out. I did sweet potatoes, squash, peas, peas with potatoes, and broccoli with potatoes. I got a little crazy with the squashes and made an enormous amount, but then I remembered I can always pull a little Deceptively Delicious on my family and throw a few cubes in to my cooking.

Shout out #2:
.....goes to the incredible edible....egg salad sandwich. Sure I like to throw down a fancy meal every now and then, but nothing beats a simple cheap meal. At least once a month we have some sorta salad-y sandwich. Tuna, egg, chicken, this-that-and-the-other, etc. (Ah-ha! I've been trying to work that phrase in somewhere and I finally did it. That's a little shout out to my super cool friend, Julie!) I used a whole dozen eggs and wI just finished up the last bit for lunch. Henry's been asking for them for breakfast. So yeah, we all love an easy sandwich around here.

Shout Out #3
.....goes to my new hat I got on clearance at Target for $2.48. I'm not sure how I got around without it. I basically wear it every other day. Cuz I'm lazy like that.

Shout Out #4
....goes to my little boy. He may wake up way too early most days, but he makes up for it in his napping skills. A 2 1/2-3 hour nap is his norm. When he's not sleeping he's pretty much non-stop, so he needs it!

Shout Out #5:
....goes to my baby girl. She may not sleep through the night a majority of the time, but she takes long naps right along with her brother so this mommy usually has a quiet afternoon.


Shout Out #6:
Goes to my husband. He'll be turning the big 30 on Monday.
He's just the greatest guy ever.
 Our first date was almost 9 years ago.
I knew I wanted to marry him, seriously, 9 years ago after getting back from our first date.
For reals.
We've got a crazy, fun-packed weekend and week to look forward to, and I hope you all do too!
Have a great Thursday!


  1. yay for homemade baby food being so easy! and good call on using it to sneak into meals too!

    also i feel like my boys have the same sleeping habits...ben wakes up WAY too early most days but he takes awesome naps...and josiah is still not sleeping through the night :( but is just now stirring after a 3 hr nap this afternoon!

  2. I don't know if I've told you this before or not, but -- I heart your blog :) How's that for a shout out for you? :)

    And by the way...really interested in what you did with making your own baby food. I was way too lazy to try to figure that out with Lily but NEXT time around, I'm gonna give it a go.

  3. Way to throw in the stellar "Julie phrase"! I love's so suave! Your coined phrase: for reals. Love it too! I might have to work that in!
    Your shout outs made me smile! Cute hat, sweet babies, and happy birthday, RJ! He's one lucky man!
