Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pictures from the weekend

We celebrated Christmas this past weekend with my side of the family and had a great time!
Grandpa read the Christmas story....straight from the Bible, of course!

Grandpa and the 2 babies.
Hey, at least the old guy knows how to look at the camera. :)

There aren't many a pictures I like of myself, but RJ took these ones of Harper and I and I love them.
Me and my little girl.
Pretty precious.


 She was pretty excited about her little baby doll.

 Then after Christmas, it was time for Henry's birthday party. We got a pinata...I think we'll make this a tradition. 2 years in a row now and it's such a hit with the kids!


Seriously, when all the candy fell it was the quietest the kids had been all day.

 MORE presents.

And here are the ingredients for his birthday cake. I was so proud of myself....I bought a mix and store bought frosting to save on time. 

 And the after:


 Cute idea, eh? I got it here.

He was pretty excited about it!
 Then last night our little family had a nice meal and stuck a candle in a Little Debbie treat. Remember...my oven is broken and our new one isn't coming until next week.
And this is the response we got:


3 going on 16.

I'm getting my hairs chopped off today. Photos to come!


  1. haha! i love the last pic with henry's face! so cute!

  2. What an awesome cake! I just may have to steal that idea sometime. And I too love the look on Henry's face. What a cutie-patootie.

  3. You're kidding with that cake! I'm so stealing that idea!!!
