Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Big Time

This is a big time post, with some big time information. Not really, but I haven't taken the time to blog for a while so there's lots to get out there.

Buckle Up.

My big 3-0 was on Thursday and it was great. RJ got off at 3:30 and took me out to dinner at Cafe Su and then to a coffee shop. 
Delicious. Perfect. Great. 
I loved turning 30.
He also had Friday off and took me to the fancy mall and MADE me spend $30 while he played with the kids. Naturally, I bought a bunch of small things because I have a nasty habit of trying to see how much I can get for my money. It was great, great fun.
I also went to the Habitat Restore. If you live in this town and have not been there yet...what in the world are you waiting for?  Well, I suppose if you don't like getting a gallon of paint for $5, then it's probably not the place for you.
Saturday morning I dropped the kids off at a friends and went downtown to see my man run a
5 mile race. 
In Red Flannel.
And it was great!
Naturally, we all went to Jethro's afterwards because it's just amazing. 
Sunday Harper woke up with a little fever and sounding horrible...a trip to the clinic and she had croup. She's been a trooper though.
That night we rearranged our living room. I love doing that. Makes my house seem all fresh and new...if that's possible for a 99 year old house. 
Thanks to President's Day, RJ also had Monday off.
More hanging around. More noticing both kids have pretty nasty colds. More impressed with their good attitudes despite the yuckiness. 
Today brought us back to the doctor for Henry this time...he's got a case of the strep Bummer, but he's actually being incredibly sweet through it all.
Phew, there's my weekend re-cap. And let me say, it was the longest weekend ever. 
(In a really good way)
It felt like it was never going to end.

Now for the picture recap.

RJ just about to finish the run:


 The Willow Creek running crew:

RJ makes the best pancakes and treated us to some almost every day that he had off. Sweet! 
And check out the new griddle attachment. After some *ahem* issues with Sears, we got the $114 part for free. Again, sweet!

Opening a Valentine's package from Grandma.


When I was at Target the other day, I walked past the rug aisle and saw the rug of my dreams:
I went to look a little closer and saw that it had an orange sticker. You know what that means! I looked even closer and saw that it was $149 on clearance for $35....and I had birthday money right in my pocket....so Happy Birthday to Me~! After unrolling it at home though, I realized I had to rearrange the whole room to make it look just right. RJ willingly helped...aka:moved everything to where I told him...and ta-da! A whole new room:




At the Restore, I got a $5 gallon of beautiful paint for our bedroom and this light fixture:

 One of those pieces that has potential to be really tacky, but I think it's going to end up pretty cool? It was only $5 too. You wouldn't think I'd spend more than that do you? So this week while the kids are sick, I'm working on our room during nap times, hoping to have it all done in a week or two.

Have a great Fat Tuesday!


  1. I've been waiting to hear about your birthday fun! Glad you had a great time celebrating!
    *Beautiful rug! It does look perfectly like you!
    Hope Henry and Harper are feeling better! See you soon!!!

  2. Love the rug! I bet it feels so fresh to have your living room all rearranged! I wish we could rearrange ours, but with the fireplace where it is, it makes it pretty difficult...

    Glad you had such a fun time with RJ over your birthday with your long weekend! And I hope your little ones are better soon!

  3. I am the exact same way with birthday money, gift cards, etc. I always try to get as much as I possibly can. It drives Dave nuts sometimes because I take so long to spend it :)

    Glad you had a great birthday! And I can't wait to see how your projects turn out! You're so good at stuff like that :)
