Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Another snowy Monday. 
It seems silly to complain about it.
It is Iowa. 
No one is forcing us to live here.
But, seriously?

So to help this me from letting this weather completely bum me out, I decided to get out all of Harper's Spring and Summer clothes. 

Do I think she needs 15 dresses?
Did I over do it last summer with clearance sales and garage sales?
Did I learn a lesson?
I've already pledged to do less garage sale-ing this summer. (For real!!)

But am I excited for her to wear all those rompers and dresses.
You bet!

We had such a lovely weekend. I was sitting at the table basking in the beautiful-ness of my family and how Henry hadn't had a temper tantrum in a few days and thought all was right with the world. About 2 minutes later he threw a whopper of one, but you know? Just keeps me on my toes.We didn't have any real plans and were able to just hang out as a fam, get a few things done around the house, and have fun. I even got celebrate my birthday a little early and get my eyebrows threaded...pretty exciting stuff!

We just watched the SuperBowl as a little family and read the kids books during the commercials.

And today we're snowed in and looks like we will be tomorrow too, so I'm trying to motivate myself to get this house super duper 

Hope you all enjoy your day!


  1. I think Harper needs TWENTY+ dresses--especially after she appeared in the nostalgic purple dress yesterday! Wow...that did my heart good! So sweet!!!
    I've made the same resolve with our kids! It's crazy to think that they switch entire wardrobes every 12 months and yet I still over buy!
    On another clothing note...JC is getting a Crazy8 which is like the cheap cousin to Gymboree! Should be fun!

  2. My reaction at Harpers closet: "aaaaaawwwwwww"

  3. Oh! Harper's closet! Be still my heart! There is just nothing sweeter than a little girl in a sweet summer dress, I'm convinced of it!

    I didn't do such a great job of garage saling for summer clothes last year -- I got lots of cute winter stuff, but Lily is pretty low on the summer stuff -- so I'm gonna try to hit the garage sales early :) I heart garage sales!!
