Thursday, March 4, 2010

Super Why

A sign that Henry has seen one too many Super Why shows....

Me: "Henry, please don't climb on that."
Henry: "But I have to, it's in my story. See?"
Then he says, while pointing, "Henry climbs the tower."


  1. hahahaha!! Drew says that to me all the time, "but I have to mom, it's in my story".....and he doesn't even watch Super Why that often. He's more of a Dinosour Train, Curious George, Sid fan! =) Too funny!

  2. Ha! That is too funny! If only you had Super Why's power to "change the story and solve the problem in this book!"

  3. LOVE it! My son is completely infatuated with this show. Once an enjoyment for me has shown to be a very annoying show. He has a little super why costume. And he "zaps" and "why writes" everything. I love this story about Henry! LOVE IT!!!

  4. Katie's too creative...perhaps she's a Super Why junkie, too! :)

  5. Cute! Ryan asked me to sing the Super Why song the other day. It was a struggle; I need Henry to teach it to me.
