Monday, April 19, 2010


Well, it was true. I got a couple of days all ALONE. RJ took the kids with him up to his parents Thursday afternoon and I met him on Saturday afternoon. I didn't do anything I should have done, like cleaning or other responsible things. But I ran around like a crazy lady, watched Coco before Channel, slept with the hall light on and the maglite right next to me, ate take-out Chinese, and had a lovely time. I missed them all like crazy, but I feel so refreshed right now!
Part of the running around I did was to Plato's Closet, which is my new favorite store.  I needed some new summery tops since the last few summers  I was either pregnant, or looked pregnant and therefore dressed accordingly. I suggest you make a trip over there NOW.
My favorite part of my weekend was a family gathering we had on Saturday. RJ's grandma is an amazing cook and baker and some of us women got together to watch her make her most famous recipes and learn her secrets. She is such a lovely lady and feel so blessed that she is my grandma too.
Then, of course, I was so excited to reunite with my family! I missed Henry's excitement over every little thing, the funny way that Harper says "hi" and "bye", RJ's hugs, and every single other thing about all 3 of them.

And that's all! I'm looking forward to a great week here, with help from our new desk that RJ brought home.


  1. Thanks for spending some of your free time fixing the hole in our tree! :)
    Wow--when did pretty little Harper turn from a baby into such a little girl? She is so cute and sweet standing at that desk!
    Tomorrow is payday...a trip to Plato's Closet is in my future!

  2. Glad you are refreshed- that's always good. Love your children's pics. They are beautiful :)

  3. Abigail - these pictures are great! How in the world do you keep getting such perfect candids? Super!
    Plato's Closet? I've been checking that place out since it opened, but to be honest, I've been deathly afraid to go in it. I've always feared that some size -2 Abercrombie high school girl will tell me that "my type" isn't allowed to shop there or something. Odd, I know - but true. Will you go with me?!?
