Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Early Morning Thoughts

Don't you love it when your first born gets up at 5:45?
I don't.
Have you turned your heater back on?
We haven't.
(I'm freezing!)
Do you want to re-do your kitchen?
I do!!
We had the sweetest interior designer/color expert come to our MOPS group last week and it was so fun to hear all her thoughts and ideas. I loved how she ended it:
Don't worry about what others think of your's your space. Decorate how you like!
(or something like that)
We painted our kitchen almost 5 years ago and that's a long time for a room in this house to stay the same color, so as much as I love the color of it, it's time for a change!
Don't you love going to places that have the menu written on a big chalkboard?
I do!
*Inspiration #1

Inspiration #2

To Do:
Paint the walls the same color as our cupboards.
(already have the paint...check!)
Paint a portion of the wall a dark, dark gray.
(thought about doing chalkboard paint, but...)
Write our favorite family recipes all over the wall and leave room for new ones using a white paint pen.
(doesn't that sound like fun?!)
Redo our kitchen counter tops.
(We painted them 5 yrs ago and they seriously need re-done.)
Paint a very "Sticks-influenced" back splash.
(The end!)

If I can get all my painting orders done before Monday, I will start this when the kids are gone.
(next week!)
And probably won't finish it for a few weeks.
(next Christmas!)

Wouldn't you love to have your favorite recipe displayed? Either on the walls or just framed?
(stay tuned!)
I've always wanted to work on a painting or a collage centered around a recipe.
I've thought about setting up an Etsy store (think I'll ever do it?!) about 50 times, but my favorite idea is taking your favorite recipe and turning it into a piece of art.
Who wants me to use your favorite recipe as a sample??

Leave a comment with your favorite recipe (just the name) and I'll randomly select a winner before I go to bed tonight. You'll be the lucky winner of my first "Recipe Art" piece!
I'll get it to you in a few weeks.
(Or at least by Thanksgiving!!)

Happy Wednesday!


  1. The recipe our family always uses for hot fudge sauce came from my Aunt Marie - hence, Peter Marie. I think that ought to be worth something :)

  2. We are a chocolate chip cookie family. For good days, I make chocolate chip cookies. For bad days, I make chocolate chip cookies. It is the Scheve family love. Plus, I have tweaked my recipe enough that it is the Perfect chocolate chip cookie! I would love it hanging in our kitchen!

  3. Ah man, I can't take this away from your mom! It's family inspired!
    However, I would LOVE a cool painting to match your inspiration #1 kitchen (if only I could paint my cupboards white!) with Amanda's Amazing Sugar Cookies Recipe on them! Maybe we could call it Londa's Favorite Sugar Cookie Recipe. Not to take the credit from her--just for the painting!
    What a great idea! You would shut all other painters down on Etsy and probably have to teach me to paint like you...your own little Peter Marie Gallery! Of course, we'd have cookies for lunch everyday!

  4. Hmm... maybe thin crust pizza?

  5. Have you gone to bed yet? Hope not! But like Londa, I'd hate to take this from your mom! However, I'm going to enter anyways. My favorite recipe - now THAT's a hard one! Maybe my mom's Wacky Chocolate Cake? But I'm not sure, I'd have a hard time narrowing it down!

  6. What fun kitchens! I'm sure yours is going to look awesome once you're done with it!

    I can't think of my favorite recipe....

  7. Love this idea!!! I think you should totally go for the etsy shop...the recipe artwork is such a neat idea. I love it!!!
