Sunday, May 2, 2010


Long time, no blog!
No reason really, just not much to say.

*We've had a great spring so far and have spent a lot of fun time as a family.
*Henry went to my parent's for the weekend. He had a blast and it was fun to spend some time with just Harper.
*In 2 weeks RJ and I are having our "stay-cation" with no kids....for 4 days! We were going to go away somewhere, but now are just going to stay home and get some things done and GO ON DATES LIKE CRAZY.  We're making our dream list of restaurants to go to and plan on eating out twice a day since we won't be spending money on a hotel. Where should we go?!? Suggestions welcome. We want to try some new places and some favorite places and some delicious places and all local places.
*We went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. Saw the line for mi favorito, pupusas, was a block long so we walked down to Baby Boomer's for the best pancakes in town.
*I have some projects I'm working on this week and once I get them done I'm going to start on my
kitchen-redo. I never thought I'd redo that room, but I'm excited about the idea!!
*More exciting posts to come. Maybe.
*Have a great week!


  1. Woohoo for your staycation! Sounds like fun! I'll let you know if any great restaurants pop into my head. Can't think right now - too tired.

  2. I'm so excited to hear about all the fun places you go during your four days together! Tuesdays are 1/2 price movies at Copper Creek in Pleasant Hill! $4!
    Django is really good!!! A road trip to Punch Pizza would be nice, too! :)

  3. I've been missing you - feel like I haven't seen you in FOREVER. (A little dramatic, I know).
    So, I downloaded the Urban Spoon application for my phone - it spins and tells us a place to eat. It's awesome. I can spin a few times for you?
