Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Yeah, it was gooo-oooood.
RJ and I had gone out with some friends Saturday and our kids spent the night at their cousin's house, so my day started off with sleeping in a bit and then getting ready for church in silence. We picked up the kids and brought them to church and enjoyed such an awesome service. The message was such an encouraging reminder to focus our desire on glorifying Christ through mothering and praying that our children will too, glorify Christ. I also had the privelage of doing a live painting during a really awesome recorded reading. I hadn't heard it before I painted so I wanted RJ to video it so I could see and hear it all, but the video died about 3/4 of the way through. Bummer! It was a great experience though and I'm so thankful to be able to use my gift in that way. And to belong to such an awesome church that lets me do it! :)

I had told RJ not to get me a gift, and I was completely sincere about it. I knew no matter what he'd do breakfast for me and a card and that sounded like plenty and absolutely lovely. He brought me Bruegar's and a frappe and a lovely card and I was higher than a kite. Then we went out for a lovely Mexican feast after church and then at home.....I got this.....

Yes, that is Giada's Dutch Oven from Target.
Yes, I screamed. Literally.
RJ has known I've wanted a Dutch Oven for years now and that once he got me one I would stop talking about wanting one.
It made me happy.

And it made me really happy when I learned that RJ had taken a test at work to earn the money to buy it for me. Isn't that the sweetest?!
But even sweeter were my kiddos. I'm so thankful for them. What a blessing they are!!
I put Harper in one of my dresses my mom had saved from when I was little.
I guess my love of blue started at a young age.

And one of the little things that brightened my day was this super cool necklace my friend Londa picked up for me at a garage sale for 50 cents!! It's so full of vintage-y coolness.
 I may have to wear it every day.
(thanks again, Londa!!)

Mother's Day 2010 was my favorite yet. I am so thankful to be a mom!
And man, I love my family.
I hope all you moms had a great day of feeling special too!

Next post:
Rye Bread.
Yeah, it's as yummy as it looks!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! What a fun way to spend it and such an awesome gift!

  2. Ahhh, I am SO excited for you! What a fun surprise! Harper and Henry look adorable, too!
    I'm glad you like the necklace! It said your name--I couldn't resist! It does look super perfect on you! :)

  3. Nice gift! I, myself, have wanted one for years. It's a cost, though! But yes, think of all the great food that will come out of a purchase like that?!!!
