Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The weekend

First of all, we celebrated our 7th anniversary on Memorial Day!
I feel so blessed to be able to spend my life with him, and every year just keeps getting better.
He's the best!

And for the rest of the weekend:
We played and played.
I hit an awesome cheap vintage clothing garage sale.
(pictures to come)
And we had a lot of fun with some of our church family.
We spent a big chunk of Memorial Day outdoors:

Riding cars and having races:

I tried to get a shot of Harper's eye lashes. She got them from her daddy.
I love it.

If you walk a few blocks from our neighborhood and cross south of "fancy street" there are some amazing fancy houses. Our favorite park is also over there and it's usually empty. We played and relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was such a great day!

Hope you are all having a great start to your week!


  1. What a beautiful bride you were! I don't think I've ever seen your wedding pictures! Happy anniversary. And I feel like a broken record - but great pictures!!!

  2. Happy anniversary! That picture is beautiful! Well, I guess it's not the picture - it's you two! So cute.

    And yes, Harper's eyelashes are incredible! When she and Tate get married, their kids' eyelashes will probably be so long they'll need to be trimmed!

    Can't wait to see you in all your cool "new" vintage finds!
