Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gearing Up

I needed to get to Hobby Lobby today to check out some prices for an up-coming project. Christmas ornaments to be exact. How fun does that sound?!
Naturally, while there, I found other things to look at.
What is with that place? Next to Target, it is the biggest place of temptation for me!
I love their clearance aisles (who doesn't?) and today they had a bunch of VBS crafts for way cheap.
So I decided to gear up for winter and load up on projects.

I got all of the above for $6.50! And a couple of the packs have "30" projects inside.
It was one of those times where I was trying not to go overboard and then get home and wonder why I didn't just get more.
*might go back tomorrow*
And it will be fun to paint little surfer dudes in the dead-cold of winter. Or so I'm hoping.
Or it might be completely maddening.

I baked pumpkin bars last night.
I am loving this weather.
I love having the windows open.
I am READY for fall!


  1. Yeah for pumpkin bars!
    Thanks for the Hobby Lobby heads up. If you go back tomorrow, the stuff might be gone. It'll be in my house.

  2. I really need to get to Hobby Lobby! Do you go to the Merle Hay one? The boys are so bored without their "leader"...projects are needed!
    I'm going to need you to rub off your excitement for fall on me--having a hard time letting go of summer here! :/

  3. I so need to get out to Hobby Lobby! Maybe I'll run into you there tomorrow...

    And I'm with Londa. I'm needing some of that fall excitement right now. Fall = football season = yuck. Although I did get excited about wearing jeans yesterday! :)

  4. I'm exactly the same way with Hobby Lobby...and Target :)
