Monday, August 16, 2010


We had a great last few days!
A day trip to see a friend.
A date!! (Drake Diner and Stam. Perfect.)
A trip to my parent's house. Fun!
A day recovering at home. Good.

We started cleaning out/organizing our basement.
I wish I would have taken a before picture, but I probably would have been to
embarrassed to show you.
It's a big job and will feel SO good when it's done.
A lot of the stuff is still from our apartment that we never used here, and
if that's the case, it's getting tossed or donated.
I'm talking bags and bags and bags of garbage/Goodwill.
Can't wait til it's done!

We're going to the fair on Thursday!!

The kids and I have colds!!

I'm going to be on the Internet WAY less this week!!!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I love all your exclamation points!!! It makes even the unexciting things on your list seem like at least you have enthusiasm :)
