Friday, August 20, 2010

State Fair!

Our family headed to the fair on Thursday.
We went right away when it opened = less crowded, not as hot.
9:00 (on a weekday) (the day after school started for a lot of kids) is THEE time to go to the fair!
*remember this for next year*

But first, I had a plan to eat breakfast at La Mie
I thought, though fun and greasy and fatty, fair food isn't technically good.
So why not get some good food and not have to buy any at the fair?
(If you live in this city and have NOT been to La Mie.....well, what are you doing?? It's seriously, hands-down the best cafe/bakery.)

***(oh, and this plan totally failed. I mean, how can you not buy the salted nut roll or corn dog???)***

The kids approved.

We ate a delicious strawberry pastry, followed by an apricot pastry, followed by my absolute favorite:
The Ham and Cheese Croissant
Even writing that out makes me want one.
Lucky for me, it's only about 10 blocks away!

Then off to the fair!!
First thing:
Henry and I went on the sky glider.
He was totally not scared!
I even got a little bit nervous. Probably because at any given moment I had my plan on how I would need to protect Henry is our cart were to fall. 
But I was able to relax and enjoy it too. Since we were there so early, we only passed 1 cart that had people on it so it felt like we had the ride to ourselves.

The sun was a little bright.

The main thing we wanted to do this year was the Little Hands on the Farm.
So cute!! We hadn't done it before and now I can't wait to do it again.

Then the butter cow, of course!

Henry was way excited about the free hard boiled egg.
His face doesn't show it, but he does love a good egg.

Then played in the water.

And that was pretty much it. Seriously. We didn't even go see the animals! Harper seems to strongly dislike animals so we didn't even feel like trying it and want to get home for some good naps so we could get to work on our basement. 
It was a really good, short trip to the fair!

Hope you all have a lovely Friday and a fab weekend!


  1. Yes, I agree - La Mie = YUM! And did you the that "la mie" is the soft part of the bread (the middle)? Isn't french cool? ;)

    So glad you had fun! Henry's such a cute little farmer and Harper's face in those pictures cracks me up! I heart her outfit!! So many memories... :)

  2. It has been 15 years since I've been to the fair. I REALLY want to go. Really really really really really bad.
    (And I've never been to La Mie. Gulp. Better do that, huh?!)

  3. Harper has the most expressive, cute little face!
    LOVE your fair pictures, too! :)
