Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Things I'm excited about:
1. Basement. Almost done! Just have to finish painting the floor. Maybe I'll show you a picture, but it's just not so impressive without a before picture...
2. I got a perfect sofa table off of Craigslist yesterday for $5!! I'll be painting it (heavily Sticks-influenced) to be raffled off at a fundraiser next weekend. More details to come, but if you live close, get excited! There will be  pampered chef, jewelry, a mural :), photography, a cleaning service (hands off, this one is MINE), cookies!, and more. All will be raffled off and the funds going to a sweet couple in our church who will be in Iowa City soon for Cancer treatments. 
3. Craigslist! Today, you are on my good list. 
4. That Henry doesn't have to start school yet. Sorry, moms. :(
We are working on letters though and it's fun when I can actually get him to sit still long enough to listen!
5. That it's already Wednesday!
6. The weather yesterday. I am SO ready for fall!

Not so excited about:
1. Henry waking up at 5:30 this morning. He hasn't done that for a while so I suppose that's okay.
2. The kids have had colds for weeks. It's never ending! Nothing major, just gross noses.
3. Needing sleep and then not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. There's just too much to do in the next couple of weeks...why is sleep so necessary?

Maybe some more exciting posts later this week. Maybe even pictures!


  1. You are KILLING me with the suspense of your "news!" Come on already!

    And I've heard murmurings about this fundraiser... can't wait to hear more! Hope I win your sofa table - or the mural! Can I get extra points for brown-nosing? ;)

  2. Oooh, post pictures of your basement even if you don't have before pics!

    Things I dont' like so much: needing to sleep, wanting to sleep, and not being able to at night! I'm not supposed to start the sleepless night thing till AFTER the baby comes! :)

  3. I like your "excited about" list! Your projects are always so cool!

    Hope sleep and clean noses can come soon! We're getting stuffy here with allergies. Ug!
