Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, Monday

Happy Monday!
Hope y'all had a great weekend. We had a nice, relaxing time. Did nothing on Friday or Saturday and then my parents came down for the day yesterday. Harper is feeling better and Henry is acting better. Thankfully!
I really wonder if Harper had been feeling not so well for a while. She is so pleasant and happy again. It's a much happier environment in our house!  AND Henry is finally sleeping in a little later so we're not woken up by him before the crack of dawn everyday. 

The weekend was so full of fall weather. The rain got a little old after a while, but I loved wearing sweaters and using blankets to watch movies on the couch.  I was super happy to pull out a $3 sweater I had gotten at a garage sale earlier this summer. It's warm and cozy and pretty sure I'll wear it every day. (except for today. It's hot!)
I paired it with my favorite bird bracelet I got from a dear friend and another bracelet I got for $.25 at a garage sale. It was a very vintage-y sale so I figured it was old, and then saw it a few days later at Target....I still got a great deal though!

I paired it with a $1 necklace (garage sale) and a $3.89 shirt underneath (Goodwill) and $2 pants and $2 shoes that were both garage sale as well.

And entire outfit for under $15! I'd say 90% of my outfits consist of at least one (if not more) pieces from Goodwill and garage's a fun way to shop!

I was also excited for the fall weather because it put me in the mood to make pumpkin cupcakes for our Acts group tonight. 

Have you seen these cute cupcake tins at the store yet? I found them at Dahl's. 
Fun! And just $2 for a pack of 36.

Hope you have a great start to your week!


  1. Glad you had a good weekend and so glad to hear Harper's back to her old happy self! I love love love those "vintage" bracelets you were wearing! Just darling. It's so nice having a thrifty friend like you so I can buy used clothes too and feel good about it! :)

  2. I'm even more thankful right now that I'm in your Acts group!!!! I'm such a nerd pretty much all my clothes are from goodwill:) Driving to church yesterday I was adding up my outfit in my head I think my total was less than $16 and that included (my shoes and jacket). I love goodwill! You look fabulous!

  3. Can I borrow that oufit?!? SOOO cute!
    You have such great style--I love it!
    Harper did seem so happy and cheerful on Sunday...when I spied on all the baby cuteness in the nursery!
    Those pumpkin cupcakes look delish! I think we'll be having those at our Acts group now, too!
