Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm not sure a painting can get much busier, but I have a slight addiction to little details and don't really know when to stop.  These last couple of projects have sure been fun!

Aaaaaaand, I'm exhausted. Too many nights staying up too late painting and too many 5:30 am mornings. 
Have I told y'all how much I hate running?! 
But if I'm going to give the idea (no, I have NOT signed up yet) of "running" in some silly race an honest, good shot, 5:30 is the only time it really works for me so it's been a bit o' a challenge.

So today is catch up day. If I go one more day with my house in it's current state I am going to go crazy! Or just fall over and sleep. 
Yeah. Maybe I'll do that instead. 
Then I might be able to continue the dream I had last night that RJ got a tatoo of Ray LaMontagne on his shoulder. It was amazing-ly weird.

Tatoos are on my mind lately.
What kind of tatoo would you get???


  1. I want to get a cool one with my kids' names. Andy isn't so sure about it:)

  2. I already have one that says "beloved" in Hebrew. I would really like to get my kid (kids soon) names in a really nice font on the inside of my wrist. The other one is a "Christian fishy" (I don't remember the technical name) on my foot.

  3. love the fun painting, and yes...tatoos are very intriguing...but i am too scared of what it would morph into as i age...you know...:)

  4. That painting is awesome! Do you have a spare minute to whip one up for me? ;)

    As far as tattoos, they're of the devil. *wink* But if I did get one it'd be a huge skull and crossbones over my entire back. I think I could pull it off.

    I think your dream means that you secretly have a crush on Ray LaMontagne and think RJ does too. And that one's free of charge.

  5. After you're done whipping up Katie's painting, I'll take one, too! ;) ;) ;)
    Oh tattoos! I spend hours every week with cute young people all tatted up. They plague my mind! One of my homeschool mom's has "grace" scripted beautiful and small on her wrist. I think I would LOVE the mother/child painting you did last year as a tattoo. My favorite tattoo idea of all time is your's--do you remember what it was?!?
    By the way, all the imagining of tats isn't really going too far with acting on it...
