Monday, November 22, 2010


I could not be more excited for Thanksgiving.
 (We're hosting my mom and dad this year...can't wait to wake up in my own house and start baking/cooking!)

I could not be more thankful for the Lord's new mercies every morning.
(I failed. Again. Yesterday. And the day before. But am so thankful for this day. And praying for lots of patience...because I sure seemed to have lost in lately.)

I made super yummy whole wheat pancakes for breakfast.
(I hardly ever make a fancy breakfast. It was fun!)

Harper has been cracking me up today.
(I don't know what happened, but she's suddenly a toddler. A busy, goofy, toddler.)

I just spent about 9 hours hand stitching a scarf for a Christmas gift. I'll show pictures later.
(I've committed myself to making 2 more. I will then commit myself to never make them again.)

Tonight is our last Acts 2:42 church group until January. I love our group! It's such a great community to dissect Sunday's sermon and to grow together.
(But I am a teeny bit excited to have an extra night to our week. Remember, I have about 18 hours to put into 2 more scarves.)

I surprised RJ with a family date last week on his birthday to Vesuvius Wood-Fired pizza in Ames. It was so good.
(like really, SO good.)

I can't believe this...but RJ came up with the idea for us to do some midnight Black Friday shopping/watching all the other crazy people shop. I can't believe it.
(and I'm really excited!)

I've got lots I should be doing. Painting, cleaning, crafting......


  1. My husband loves shopping on Black Friday....I think he's crazy :)

  2. Can't wait to see the scarves! I'm sure they're marvelous -- you're so creative!
