Monday, December 6, 2010

We made some Christmas ornaments last week:

They were super fun and super easy. 

(from Wall Candy)
  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 cups flour
  • about 4-5 tablespoons cinnamon (the original recipe called for much less but I just dumped a bunch in there to make them smell good!)
  • 3/4 - 1 cup water
Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl, then add the water slowly. I needed a bit more water than what it called for because I added so much more cinnamon :). The dough should be not too sticky, and not too dry...a good medium. Cover and refrigerate it for 30 minutes. Then roll it out on a floured surface and cut it into shapes with cookie cutters. Use a straw or something similar to make a hole at the top of each for stringing ribbon through it. Bake them at 325 for about an hour.
*we just added some sprinkles before they baked, but once they dry you can paint them and add glitter or anything you can think of!* One of my favorite parts of this project was that the dough was not even tempting to eat. :) The kids loved doing it though and the ornaments looks adorable on our tree.

Then it was on to some edible cookies.  My awesome friend has perfected this recipe and I have been looking forward to trying it for a long time. (last year I just used the Wilton cookie recipe) The recipe comes from Amanda at I Am Baker. It is delicious. Both the cookies AND frosting. Just delicious.

We had a family Christmas on Saturday with my Bloom family who just so happen to be Swedish. My mom brought me a Swedish Dala Horse cookie cutter from a cute little shop in my hometown, which proudly boasts the logo "Albert City - How Swede it is!".
It's an enormous cookie cutter so I just made 4 of them and lots of little ones. 
I used a little ornament I have to use as inspiration for decorating.

It was so fun!

Our family Christmas was a lot of fun and Harper got to meet her Great Grandpa Bloom for the very first time. He shared a grape with her so she sat on his lap and finished them for him.

My cute nieces Maggie and Elise.

It was great to see our family and the kids traveled really well considering we just took a day trip and were in the car for 5 hours. But along with our first Christmas came our first case of the pukes. Harper was sick when she woke up yesterday, but thankfully is fine today and *so far* everyone else is too.

Hope you all have a beautiful Monday!


  1. Those cookies are AMAZING!!! Seriously, I would not be able to eat one of those in fear of destroying a masterpiece! I shudder to think what you could create in Carlo's Bakery. ;)
