Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm in a phase of purchasing more room for photos...until then, super boring posts.
A phase of wondering why do I?/should I?/what in the world should I blog about right now? 
A phase of being stuck in this house since Saturday with a boy with throat problems and pink eye and it's just SO COLD.
A phase of getting excited because we're actually leaving the house today!
(but I've realized that the longer I stay home day during the day, the more I want to stay home. This is a good thing for my antsy-pants self.)

Again, a phase of what should I blog about? Huh?
I tire of my silly "projects" posts, yet the creative side in me can't physically go without painting something/anything for too long. I spray painted a mirror the other day with some random spray paint I had. Spray painting is addictive. Because of the fumes or the fascination of watching an object change colors before your very eyes, I'm not sure, but it's addictive....and that's not necessarily a good thing.

I am going to get the kids in the snow this week.
Now that they are both on the up-swing of getting better, we're going to hit the slopes!
(in our backyard) (We've got a killer driveway that'd be awesome for a sled)

I'm really excited about our ladies Bible Study starting up.
I desire to get to know Christ more and love Him more. And I'm excited.

When Henry is under the weather he is extra sweet and I love that about him. On his worst day when he had pink eye and had the chills from being feverish, he told me over and over "I just love you so much mommy". I mean seriously, that's sweet.

Aaaannnnnddddd....that's all I've got.

Hope y'all are having a great Wednesday!


  1. Just to let you know...
    I like reading your blog.
    I like your projects.
    I have been stuck in the house since Sunday also, with no husband and four kids. It is not easy. But giving of myself makes me more like Jesus.
    So, persevere!

  2. I'm with Erica...I like reading your blog, like your projects, like your recipes, like your kids, and I like you! :)
    Nothing like getting out of the house to wear yourself out at Cubbies! :)
    Hope to see you at Old Navy with heaping carts of joyous bargains!
