Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chocolate Angel Food Cake

Last week our mom's group had a Chocolate Night full of c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e desserts.
Seriously, there was so much chocolate! 
I decided to google "chocolate angel food cake" and was happy to see lots of recipes. I just picked the first one and went with it. I have to say it is my most successful and biggest angel food cake to date. Probably because it called for sixteen egg whites.
Served with strawberries (and fresh whipped whipping cream would be devine) it was lovely and light.

Recipe found here.

Yesterday I enjoyed a lovely surprise visit from my bestie and her two sweet boys. We played at Backyard Adventures and she treated us to Smokey Row for lunch in honor of my upcoming (31st!!!!) birthday. It was better than any present could possibly be. 

And today we're going to try to survive this frigid cold air. Yowzers...IT IS COLD.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


  1. The cake was SO delicious! I can't believe it took 16 egg whites--that's crazy but so worth it! It was perfect!
    I'm so glad you got to have a fun pre-birthday celebration!!!

  2. I loved your cake! It was so good and pretty. It flipped very nicely. Hope you have a wonderful birthday! We will miss you Saturday night.
