Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This weather!

We've spent lots of time outside. A picnic at a park over daddy's lunch break. New side walk chalk. More playing outside (while I'm typing this on our computer). Henry is way too big for his trike this year. Harper is too big for her trike this year, but not quite ready for Henry's. Looks like some "new"(hello garage sale season!) bikes are in our future.

I love Spring!

Not much to write about these days, but I've got lots of fashion DIYS coming up next week. My goal is to do one a day. I'm going through my closet trying to spruce things up, cutting up some old shirts, and making some new ones. I may even attempt to bring back the denim jumper!

 So stay tuned!

In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful weather. 
And pray that our house doesn't collapse when we TAKE DOWN A WALL this weekend. Yikes! The thought makes me start breaking out in hives.


  1. Can't wait to see your DIY projects next week!!!
    If you don't find the right bikes at garage sales, we heard there are some good deals at Play It Again Sports.
    Enjoy tomorrow! I hope it bakes the cold right out of me!

  2. I certainly hope the house doesn't collapse!! But many people before you have torn down walls and have lived to tell about it! See you tomorrow.

  3. Waiting to hear about your wall!! Can't wait to see pics!
