Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life Lately

Life lately...has been a little craaaazy. 
I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into with this remodel. It will be worth it, but wowzers! I have never felt so frazzled in my life. I know, I know. It is absolutely ridiculous of me to complain about this. We have a house that is way more than we need or deserve and I'm whining about a little mess. But can I just say it? It's a big mess. However, my dad is coming this weekend to assist RJ in putting up the drywall and once that's up things will really start to get going. Then I feel like I could really clean (again) without such a risk of things getting so messy and 
plaster-y/sawdust-y within the next 10 minutes. And then my children can actually play in more than just our living room. Yee-haw!

The latest progress in the re-do was RJ taking up all 6 layers of flooring that were on top of the wood floors. If there had only been one layer, this could have been pretty simple, but there were lots and lots of staples so it took quite a bit of time. Have I mentioned how stellar my husband is?!

I couldn't believe the condition of the wood floors. Obviously they would need refinishing, but they are in really good shape...except for the edges so we'll still be replacing it. 

I've also been crafting like a mad lady. A friend is doing a craft show for us this weekend so I made 3 skirts and a bazillion flowers over the last few days. Can't wait to hear how it turns out! I also have a possible wedding opportunity doing the boutonnieres and possibly the bouquets as well for a wedding in Nebraska. It'd kind of be my dream job. I've kind of got my fingers crossed. And I painted a bathroom mural.
And I also made a little Hello Kitty skirt for a cute little gal from church AND taught my first ever private art lesson. Phew! It's been crazy/fun.

One project that I am super excited about it from this gal.
I ordered her Apron Knot dress pattern from her Etsy store. My first ever time following a pattern:

I could not believe how easy it was! There were step-by-step instructions with pictures to boot. It was so fun! I have some major visions of making all of Harper's clothes.
So the other day when Little Lizard announced on her FB page that she was looking for testers for a new corset top pattern I jumped at the chance. And I got it! I get to make a little top for my little Harper.
Here's the juicy fabric:

It's a reversible tank top with a corset in the back, so the top 2 prints are for the tank top portion and the strip is for the ruffly trim. I'm hoping I can find a cute ruffly pants pattern to make a whole outfit. Can't wait!

And that's life lately. Lots of fun as a family and lots of projects. I still need to do Harper's 2 yr post and share some amazing photos of her. *Soon!*
Hope you all enjoy your week!


  1. Wow! Those dresses are so stinkin' adorable! Are you going to make those for your craft show too? You sure are one busy lady! Can't wait to see the corset top when you're done too!

    Thanks for taking time out of your crazy life to do our bathroom mural. I'll be posting pictures up as soon as I put up the finishing touches (I ended up finding those bird hooks somewhere else for even cheaper and I'll get them much sooner!). I can't wait to show off your masterpiece! :) You are one *overly*-talented mama!!

  2. I'm excited about your craft show this weekend too! Hope you ladies get your "name" out there and get plenty more business! The dress is so cute! GREAT job! Can't wait to see pictures of your finish remodel!

  3. LOVE those dresses! So cute! I love that hardwood floor, too! Can you imagine thinking...hmmm, let's just cover up this wood with some orange linoleum!
    You will probably need to hire a personal assistant soon to help take orders and keep track of your schedule...maybe do laundry and prepare meals. {pick me!}
