Thursday, April 28, 2011

1/2 Way

So, in a moment of insanity a few weeks ago and with the support and encouragement of my husband, I signed up for Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping class.
(Extreme is kind of a understatement)
(especially if you haven't done a whole lotta exercising for the last year...or 10)
(especially if you haven't pushed yourself past a little pain since child birth)

I have a hard time with self-motivation so having this kind of accountability has been great for me. Our team has 2 coaches who help us during class and email us outside of class. 
It's been super hard, but sincerely fun. I always feel great, though a little defeated, when the class is over. I've also had to sneak in quite a few naps since I've been getting up at 5 am 6 days a week, but am slowly, slowly adjusting. 
When you start they do a "Fitness Evaluation" and take measurements, weight, body fat, timed push-ups and sit-ups, and a timed mile run/walk. They follow up with a 1/2 way evaluation and then again at the end of the 10 weeks so you can see your progress.
Our 1/2 way is technically Saturday, but I can't make it so I did it last night instead.

And since I'm a dork, here are the results:
(I actually didn't start until Saturday of the first week because I signed up late so technically have only done it for almost 4 weeks)

Weight: down 7 lbs.
(my scale at home had me thinking I'd lost more. Stupid scale!)
Inches lost:
Chest:1/2 inch
Waist: 3 inches! 
Hips: 3 inches!
Arms: 1/4 inch (I was surprised with that one...feels like a lot more)
(thunder) Thighs: 1 1/4 inches

Went from 34 push-ups to 48.
24 (full) sit-ups to 32
Mile run/walk went from 14:55 (don't laugh) to 12:45.
I actually ran the whole first 1/2 mile last night. This is enormous for me. I kind of loathe running.

I'm really excited to see what my results will be in 5 more weeks! 
I don't expect to lose a lot more in poundage, but hoping to lose more inches and gain more strength.  For a majority of my adult life I've struggled with wanting to be healthy, but wanting to eat whatever I want and not exercise. That doesn't really add up. Weight Watchers was great and I lost a lot of weight, but hardly worked out at all while I was on the program. This feels so much better to feel stronger and have more energy. Nutrition is also a big part of the program. I'm eating a lot more protein than I usually do, 6 small meals a day, and then either Saturday or Sunday is a FREE day to eat whatever you want. It's amazing how easy it is to stay away from sweets knowing I can have some on my free day. 

So anyways, that's my Farrell's experience so far. It's an investment for sure, but it's a great start to getting healthy and strong and for someone like me, the accountability is fantastic.
The end.

And now I'm hoping for a "back to normal" day for my little H-man. He had a nasty flu bug all day Tuesday, was on the couch ALL day yesterday, and we're easing into today. He seems a little better, but not quite himself yet. Poor boy couldn't even keep water down! So we are all getting a little stir-crazy in here. Really looking forward to the weekend.
Happy Thursday, everyone!


  1. Wow! Amazing job, Abby. That sound absolutely awful but so great. I can't imagine doing that many push ups. I hate push ups, and running, and...
    Hope Henry is back to normal soon.

  2. YAY! I'm so proud of you! That's hard work! I'm so happy that you are seeing results too. Good work outta you!

    I'm hoping Henry is feeling better too! Those pukes are no fun! Hopefully he recovers by the weekend, it's suppose to be really nice out!

    Yay for wood floors too! Hope the rest of the remodel goes speedy quick!

  3. You are such an inspiration. Really. Maybe I'll do that someday... or not. The thought of running a mile gives me the eeby-jeebies. But seeing how many inches you lost is AWESOME!

    Poor Henry! So that's why you weren't there last night. I just assumed you were playing hooky. Hope that little guy has a much better day today!

  4. woohoo! that is great abby! i totally know what you mean about weight was great for losing the pounds but not adding the muscles! i have been doing classes with a trainer too and have seen way more results in my body but not actual weight loss

  5. Abby: YOU'RE AMAZING! Getting up that early and working out that hard, WOW! You are looking fabulous too!

    Hope Henry bounces back soon! Poor little guy!

  6. WAY TO GO! I've always been curious about Farrell's -- I mean, I've seen the success stories but I've never known anyone in real life that's actually done it...maybe when you're done you'll post pictures?? :)
