Monday, June 6, 2011

I love this time of year. Today is a bit too hot for me, but on days where it's lovely and in the 80s we'll meet daddy at the park for lunch. Usually on Wednesdays. And sometimes we'll get Happy Meals. Cuz it's fun. And super cheap on Wednesdays!

We also got our first watermelon of the season. Just cutting into it and smelling the beautiful scent brought so many summer-y memories. 

(those are still our old countertops...*hopefully* our new ones will finally come in this week!)

We also got to go to a little birthday party on Saturday and the kids got to wear their suits and splash around in the yard. They had so much fun! Can't wait to get our pool set up in the back yard.

And lastly, my stellar husband put up our shelving!! I still have some work to do on the top shelf to make it look right, but I'm really loving some exposed shelving. The other wall cupboards are staying up and you might notice they are tie-dyed white and cream. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll get to it.
Meg puts old globes on top of her cupboards in her kitchen and I'm very tempted to copy her. Maybe just one right on that top shelf. Wouldn't that be cute?

Crazy week. Gotta run. Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to meet RJ at the park for lunch! I'm sure the kids really look forward to that! And I'm with ya on the Wednesday Happy Meals - can't pass that deal up! :)

    Love, love, LOVE your exposed shelves! I'd be scared that mine would always look "off," but you have such a great eye for that, obviously. Yours look beautiful!!

    And of course, Henry and Harper are looking quite adorable in these pics, as always. FYI - after you guys left HL, Tate said, "Harper go?" over and over again all the way home. ;)
