Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We had a fun week at my parent's house playing with all the Bloom cousins. We got to meet our newest, David, too! He is super, super, sweet and I can't wait to see him again.

The fun thing about going to my hometown is all the Swedish horses...they are everywhere. Little ones on the downtown businesses, people's houses, and a couple of very large ones too.

No trip is complete without some sort of mural:

The weather was kind of a bummer and it was cloudy and rainy everyday. Which meant lots of playing inside and lots of shopping at junky thrift stores (my favorite kind!!) in nearby towns. We came back Thursday night to a house that had COUNTERTOPS! Woo-Hoo! That was a long 6 weeks to wait. Here's a tiny sneak peek at our island. You can see a part of the green paint I started with, but it's not quite right so it's back to the paint store for me.

Here's a totally random picture of our new fish. One of them passed away while we were gone, but RJ replaced it by the time we got home. He also bought a ghost shrimp, which supposedly help keep gold fish bowls a little cleaner. Unfortunately, the little shrimp only lasted a day...when we woke up in the morning we found it next to the bowl on the counter. It had jumped out. Isn't that disgusting?!

This week my in-laws are in town so we all went to the zoo yesterday for Member Monday, which means FREE train rides! 
We also got to feed the giraffes:

And the birds:

We have loved having a zoo pass this year. *Hopefully* they do another groupon deal next year!

RJ has today off so we're working on the kitchen some more and heading out to the lake house this afternoon to spend more time with grandma and grandpa. Don't you just love summer?!
Hope you all have a lovely week!


  1. Those horses are super cool & your kids are super cute!
    Glad you had a good trip up north! You new counter tops are beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished project!

  2. Ok...how beautiful is that mural? I've actually been meaning to ask you..how much would you charge to do something like that? I was thinking about painting something in lily's room, but I've chickened out...i'd totally be interested in hiring you out!
