Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kitchen Remodel 2011

 Okay, I already put these on facebook, but now I need to document it in thee ol' blog. 

So here is a before of the wall:

 The "middle" phase with the wall gone:

And the after:

 I think the stools are one of my favorite pieces in the kitchen. They are vintage and we found them on Craigslist for a really good price.

I used the tutorial of turning mini blinds into roman shades (it's all over pinterest) for all the windows. It was super easy and so, so, so, much cheaper than if I had bought them in a store. 
We also took out our old chandelier (which I loved) but there was just too much light going on. So I got that lamp shade at Target (for under $4!) and a lamp base and hung it up. So if it looks like we have a lamp hanging upside down on the ceiling....we do.

Here is a close up of the pictures I found at a thrift store. I was pumped when I found them!...until I saw the price was $40 for the set. Without me even asking, the lady said she would sell them to me for $20 total. SOLD.

This island. You can see my $1 vintage aprons and the "Attention" bulletin board I got at a garage sale for a whole quarter. And my lovely pot hanging rack my awesome friend Julie made.

Notice all the trim work? It took RJ about 800 nails, but he did such a great job and I love it.

Just another view and you can see the clock I got at a garage sale for just $10. I was going to paint it, but I'm resisting the urge. For now.


Another view from the dining room:

Here's a close up of the back splash. These are the tops to little metal shelves from IKEA. We just screwed them into the wall. When we got to the check out the lady asked what in the world we were going to do with all those shelves and when we told her she was sure to mention that we can always return it. Guess she didn't see our vision.

RJ's shiny "coffee station":

And this sign is from a coffee shop over in Urbandale. They had one hanging up and I asked if they had any more and she just let me have one. For free.

Combine that with a frame I got for nine CENTS at the Goodwill outlet and here ya go:

Okay, enough already, I know! I will try to not utter another word about our kitchen and get back to the much more important things in life. Phew. Glad that remodel is over and done with!

Have a good week!


  1. oh abby, it looks fabulous!!!!! you guys did a fantastic job! hope you enjoy many a cozy meal and get to hear your sweet kids laugh in it everyday!

    love, the sears family

  2. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, AMAAAAAAZING. You are so talented, my friend. This is really like Better Homes and Gardens makeover, HGTV makeover GOOD! Seriously. I need you to help spruce up some of my rooms. No joke.

  3. I couldn't agree with Liz more (well, not about sprucing up her cute house, but the AMAAAAAAZING part!)
    I love it all--but my two favorites are the upside down lamp--how cool are you? and the Intellientsia sign? we may copy that! That's one covet-triggering kitchen you got there! :)

  4. WOWZERS! I'm so glad you put this on your blog so we could see more details! Like the backsplash and the upside down lamp- how did you think of that?!? If I could just borrow your brain for like, a week, I could revamp this house in NO time! :)

  5. Abby, your kitchen and all it's little bargains that make up the delightful details is perfect. So beautiful! We'll be over for dinner around 6. :) (I'll bring my baby room curtain and canvases, so you can pretend to be in awe of my amazing skills. Chuckle, snort, gasp.) I especially love the clock. --Jessica

  6. I could look at the pics of you kitchen/dining room re-do all day! Am blown away at what a great job you guys did. Thanks for sharing your immense creativity! :)
