Monday, October 3, 2011

What a wonderful weekend!

Friday we got a Hot N' Ready and went to Raccoon River park and ran around, played, gathered sticks and leaves, and enjoyed the crazy beautiful weather.

I'm not liking how old my children are looking....

I was so proud of my Henry-boy. My (overly) cautious first born is getting more and more brave and daring.

On Saturday after waiting for RJ to get home from working, we went over to the Art Center area and ran around and walked. Of course we had to dodge the 8 (kid you not) photographers and their subjects. It's that time of year, I suppose.

I always thought those were antlers on top of them there deer, but apparently they are small dogs. Who knew?

Our beauty of an art center. Folks, we may not live in a big city, but we've got some pretty great art!

Then there is this beauty:

I went to some garage sales on Friday and they were crazy Pinterest inspiring sales. I had to try really really hard not to go crazy, but I did walk away with this beautifully tacky owl for $1. She's about 10" tall and I can't decide if I should leave her gold (I have a strange love for tacky, tacky things) or spray paint it a solid color. What a tough decision, eh?

And bless my sweet husband...Henry has been talking about making a "paper oven" for a few days now and had this big idea of how to do it and what he wanted to do with it when he was done, so RJ helped him make his dreams come true.

It was just a lovely, family weekend. This weather is top-notch!
The kids have been so fun lately, and I seem to have snapped out of my 2 month long bad mood. Don't tell me you didn't notice. :)

Hope you all have a gorgeous Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't notice your grumpies, but I've felt them too!
    What a fun weekend!!! Love your new owl! Henry and Harper are stinkin' cute kids!!!
