Sunday, November 6, 2011

I really want to blog about our last couple of weeks and upload a boat-load of pictures, but that will have to wait. We left for Minneapolis last Wednesday morning, to Spokane, WA Thursday morning via airplane, drove an hour east to Coeur d' Alene, ID and spent the entire week in a crazy beautiful cabin on a lake, came back to Minneapolis at midnight Thursday, spent a couple of days with RJ's aunt, spent some time with my family and then went to my cousin's crazy beautiful wedding on Saturday in St. Paul, and FINALLY came home today. That was a l-o-n-g time to be gone. It was awesome! Yet I am so glad to be home. 

And since I don't have time to do much else, here are a couple of photos from my amazingly talented friend, Alisa. The rest are on their way to my house and I can not wait to see them. She seriously made my family picture dreams come true! And considering we don't get our family photos taken often (aka: every 3 years or so) my hopes were high and of course she went beyond what I was hoping for. 
And I've only seen about 4 pictures.

Craft show this weekend. Probably won't sleep much, but that's fun every now and then, right? 


  1. Welcome home! I have missed you!!! Can't wait to see your pictures and hear more about your trip!

  2. We missed you too! Sounds like a fun trip. Can't wait to hear about it!
