Saturday, January 14, 2012

Penny Table

So I saw on Pinterest, of course, a picture of a penny covered floor and loved it. Then saw someone do that on a table top and super loved it. So I got to work on this awesome sofa table a friend picked up for me off the side of the road a few years ago. At first it was black. Then this summer I painted it the same green as our kitchen island. Then last week I painted it this (slightly obnoxious) blue with a $5 gallon of paint I got at the Habitat Restore....and covered it with about $10 worth of pennies:

I used the E6000 glue I had to stick them all down and am now in the process of poly, poly, poly. I used to have a textured wall paper on top, but when I went to move the tray the other day to paint it blue, a lot of the wall paper ripped off with the tray. I super love how it turned out and I really love that you won't be able to see any wear and tear that usually comes from a painted table top. 

But the (slightly obnoxious) blue color just seemed to perfect and nice next to some beat up old pennies so I distressed the table like crazy. I sanded, rubbed on a lighter green, painted on areas of brown and rubbed that in, and sanded some more. Since the table had 3 layers of colors, it ended up with lots of colors showing through. I kind of wish I had added some shots of red here and that that would poke through...maybe I still will.

And here's the finished piece!

Covering the table with pennies was a little time consuming, but it was certainly easy and the distressing was kind of a stress re-leaser so I would say it was a quite enjoyable project.

Happy Saturday!



  1. I love it!!!!!!!! Turned out awesome! Gotta love those curb finds :) I'm going to have to take a week of vacation during the junk week in urbandale so I can still find some treasures.

  2. amazing! i love this project, abby! :)

  3. that is so cute ! love the idea!

  4. That turned out great! I totally love it!! And the distressing did make it look even cooler! And now if you're ever strapped for cash, you know where you can pry off $10 in change! :)

  5. So perfect! You always pick the best colors, too!

  6. Your ability to come up with these color schemes just amazes me. I would have been scared to death to try it and you pull it off effortlessly. Ugh, um, I'm sure gluing 10,000 pennies on wasn't effortless. You have some serious patience, lady! Looks beautiful!

  7. oh my word! now I've seen alot, but THAT I have not seen and it is awesome!!! I also don't think the blue is one bit obnoxious - I love it and the whole shabang! Curious - did your kids think it was pretty crazy gluing all those pennies on??
