Monday, March 5, 2012

Big Girl Room

Long time, no blog. I know! So much has happened and so much is currently happening that I don't even know where to begin, so I'll start with a really no-brainer post like Harper's big girl room. Okay? 

Since my little girl is almost 3 now, she was ready for a new room. And I was really ready to finally put up all the vintage treasures I've been collecting for the last 6 months. 

I painted the walls white. And I love it! 
The ceiling got a coat of a dirty yellow with little scallops all along the top:

Literally, the only thing that is new, new is the bed skirt and the pink paint. Everything else is from garage sales, goodwill, online garage sales (facebook) and thrift stores.
Now that, my friends, is being green.

When I was little I used to love playing with nik naks. My sister had a bunch of them on her bookshelf and I always snuck in there to play. I loved it! So that was my inspiration for Harper. I wanted there to be lots of little treasures for her to look at and play with as she gets older that are special only to her room. 
And yes. I'll admit it. This is my dream room too.

This clown is my favorite ($5!!) find. Although I'm pretty sure his eyes are looking in different directions every time I go in there.

Below is another ($5!!) find. The kids have already loved playing with the little dolls and clothes.

Gumball machine from Goodwill.

This dresser was already in her room and I painted it "Perfect Strawberry". It ended up being more hot pink than I was expecting. It took me about 5 days to like it, but now I really love it. I distressed it a bit too.

The headboard came from a friend's garage sale that I also painted and distressed. That crazy beautiful quilt was $4 at a garage sale, and some pillow-y goodness thanks to goodwill and a friend's swap event.

The curtains also survived from the nursery. They're super sweet.

My first bunting project. I'm kind of addicted now. I got the lamp at Goodwill and RJ rewired it for me.

This "Bloom" plate also survived from the nursery.

Sweet red chair and a cradle for her babies.

I got this chalkboard/dry erase board for $5 off of a facebook swap group. Excellent!

This wall below is the only part I'm not loving. I just can't decide.

However, I loooove this little lady on the wall for all her niks and naks. So cute!

That's all for now. Thanks for visiting! Now on to some major life stuff for me so I best be going. Have a great week, all!



  1. How cute!!! Can we just buy your house? :) I'd love to live there!
    Hope the big life stuff is going well too! Holler if Henry and Harper need to come over and play! :)

  2. That yo-yo quilt is AWESOME!!! WOW what a steal you got!!!! I used to have one of those on my bed growing up. I love all the vintage treasures. Thanks so much for linking it up - what a fun post!

  3. Abby, seriously, I may need to envelope you into the arms of our family. I love your art, I love your disposition, I love your interior decorating!

    And I love, love, LOVE seeing where some of those swap purchases wound up! ;)

