Monday, April 28, 2008

Ahhhh, Monday

These Mondays really sneak up fast.

Weekend: Great! We went to my parent's Friday afternoon and got back Saturday. It was quick but fun.

Sunday: About every emotion possible.

Ruby is still in the hospital after her surgery on Friday to remove the tumor. She is recovering well and now they are waiting to find out what stage the cancer is in. I guess her case is somewhat "puzzling" so the doctor is consulting other doctors across the country. We're all praying that her cancer is stage 4s! This has been so heavy on my heart. It's been so heavy on all of our hearts. They are truly my family. Their hurt is our hurt. Last night at church we had a concert of prayer for Ruby. It has been so neat to see how our church has grown together to support them. We love them so much! I know this has been extremely hard on Trent and Lydia, but they have stayed so strong and drawn so close to the Lord. When we visited, Lydia she told me how comforting it is that even though they get different news constantly and it's such an emotional roller coaster, that our God does not change. His word stays the same. His love for us stays the same. Their desire is for this situation to glorify God. I'm making that my prayer too. We're going back tonight and I can't wait to see that sweet little girl.

Today, I am thankful for this beautiful sunshine. I'm thankful that Ruby is recovering well! I'm thankful for great fellowship at church yesterday. I'm thankful for a good night's sleep!

Exciting news: I'm about to become Deceptively Delicious!! I got this book from my mom over the weekend. Overall, I'm ready to stop eating so much junk and start eating better, whether it's by hiding a few fruits and veggies or by shoving more out there in plain site. Wanna join me?

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