Thursday, April 24, 2008

randomness and pictures

Here are some fun projects I've done lately. Carson and McClain are 2 of our favorite church buddies.

Rock star Noah. Henry's main dude.

Kade. I don't know you, but I sure hope you grow up to be an astronaut.

My new bird collages. This was a way fun MOPS project!

Shorts. What is it about those skinny, little, white legs, that I find so funny? I've been looking forward to shorts for a long time. Who knew it would be so fun to dress a boy? I love it!

1 comment:

  1. * Great paintings. As always.
    * Henry looks like he aged another 6 months. (how does the change of season's clothing do that to children?)
    * Couldn't agree with you more about the bath.
    * Love the photo of you on the sidebar.
