Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm alone again! My parents were in town for just a few hours and just left and RJ is finishing up cleaning. Henry's taking a late nap and I'm relaxing in the quietness. Henry has been bouncing off the walls all day today. Actually he's been like this all week. Where do little boys get all of their energy???

We're off to a church picnic tonight and I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure it will be most of us younger folks there, but it will be a good time to visit. Our church has certainly become our family.

How about this humidity? Oh, I don't like summer, but how annoying is it that I'm complaining about sunshine and warmth. Okay, I won't complain about it, I'll just grin and bear it and long for 70 degree days with low humidity. Are there such things in an Iowan summer?

Ruby is doing well after her chemo treatment on Friday. Thank you, Lord! What a blessing this little girl has been.

Peace out.

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