Monday, May 26, 2008


Unbelievable. RJ's grandparents live in Parkersburg and their house is still standing but has damage. Praise the Lord they weren't home because they don't have a basement and it could have been pretty bad. We're pretty sure we're going to go up for the day to see everyone. Both sides of RJ's family are from the area so there would be a lot of people to see and thought maybe Henry's smile would be a comfort to a lot of them. And we just can't sit still if we don't go. We got to see his uncle Tim on tv who is a US Marshall so it was nice to see a familiar face and know they were okay.

Keep praying for everyone. I just can't imagine what they are going through. Thanks for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--the pictures on the news are horrific! I'm so glad no one from RJ's family was hurt! We'll be praying that you will be an encouragement to them today! Drive safely!
