Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our happy little family at the reunion. You can't really tell, but Henry is sporting a new mo-hawk.
3 beautiful ladies: Alice, Dorothy (the one who just turned 90!!!) and Betty. Alice also brought her boyfriend, Elmer. So cute!

After deciding not to do any craft shows this year, I've changed my mind. It's going to be at the Waukee Centennial Park on August 2nd from 3-8. There will be inflatables, food, live music, kid's crafts, games, and art or course! It's free for me to get into, I'm borrowing a tent setup from an artist friend, and most importantly, RJ thought it sounded like a great idea. One of those, "it's a small world" moments....I was emailing the guy in charge and I mentioned where I go to church and he wrote back and said he's speaking at our church the next 2 Sundays! He's all artsy so I'm excited to hear him speak. I found his website and it sounds really neat. If you've got some time, check it out! http://nightmayer.com/

Henry has his 18 month appt today. I always like to hear how he's doing and ask questions, but I hate those shots!

1 comment:

  1. CUTE family picture!!! I love Henry's new haircut, too!
    The guy on Sunday does sound really neat! ALSO--you're the best for interweaving our church into a conversation!!! We'll have to come visit your art get-up! Sounds fun! Enjoy your flowers!
