Thursday, July 10, 2008

I had to feed 3 kids breakfast this morning and give a baby a bottle and then get everyone dressed by 9 and I did it! I feel like I could conquer the world right now. I know many, many, moms do this on a regular basis, but going from a 1 1/2 yr old to watching 4 kids under 5 is quite a change! Baby T is so sweet and has a head FULL of dark hair. He hardly cries and when he does it doesn't bother or stress me out a bit. It's just cute. I like babies.

I am way pumped for this weekend. We have a party with the young marrieds tomorrow night and the rest of the weekend is pretty wide open. I have so many projects I want to get started, but I'm sure those will be put off like usual.

Miss Ruby's chemo went well this week. It may be her last one or she may have 2-4 more rounds. They will do a scan in a few weeks to see, but either way God is in control. What a trooper she has been! It has been so obvious that God is working in this situation and we are all so thankful for it!!

Have a great Thursday!

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