Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alright. It's still a little "early" in some books, but I'm letting it out anyways. And besides, a lot of you already know!


That there's a baby growing in the Charlton household! And, of course, we're VERY excited about this little one!!

Right away this time when I had a positive pregnancy test, I went in for blood work to check my hcg levels. They started off low, but the next 2 times I went in they increased beautifully. So with those numbers and this ultrasound I feel great about sharing the news. RJ and I went in yesterday to determine the due date and got to see our little bean and hear the heartbeat. Baby bean did a little jiggle for us too. It was by far my least tense early-ultrasound because the reason was just for the due date and not because of any bleeding. Yeah! We got to just sit back and enjoy it. SO, I'm only about 8 1/2 weeks along, and due around March 20th. And yes, we plan on finding out what we're having! I had thought about not finding out this time, but who am I kidding? I'd be horribly impatient and it was my favorite part about being pregnant with Henry knowing he was a boy. Hopefully in about 10-12 weeks we'll find out!

And, YES, I'm expecting it to be boy #2!!! :)

Other than the usual pregnancy symptoms, we are doing great. I feel nauseous off and on mostly mid-day to evening, but I don't throw up so really can't complain! (sorry to all my friends who get so sick with pregnancy--I can't imagine!) And honestly, every day when my feelings start I'm thankful to have a good "sign" that the baby is still growing. Sleeping poorly at night has been more my issue, but my body is adjusting and with just Henry I can nap when he does so that's great.

So if you think about it, we'd love your prayers as this little one grows. We are so thankful that God has given us this gift and can not wait to meet this babe.

By the way, was anyone else obsessed with this Amy Grant song in the 5th/6th grade? I remember making up dance routines to it.

By the way, anyone else obsessed with the Olympics??? I love it!!!


  1. YAY! Contrats, Abby! Added you to my prayer list! :-)

  2. Congrats! I am glad the ultrasound went well, what a cute little baby pic!!

  3. Congratulations Abby (and RJ and Henry), I am so happy for you. I hope everything continues to go well and that baby continues to grow good and strong. I will be anxiously awaiting your announcement of just what this baby is.
    As for the above post (Hot Beef Sundae) our friend also had one on Sunday and said it was the best ever. I guess I will have to take your word for it, because the picture does not look to appealing.

  4. I LOVE the ultrasound picture! Did you happen to tell Cloe about the baby awhile back? She came into our room one night really late and said, "Mommy, Abby told me a big secret, but I just have to say it--she's having a baby, shhhh." I didn't know how to respond--she's said this type of secret before about others just for a giggle. So, we prayed for you and then said we'd keep the secret and let you share your secret with others.
    We'll keep praying! Girl or boy--it'll be a cute little sweet pea!

  5. congrats! that is great, great news! i will pray for a healthy pregnancy.

  6. Nice to meet you, little baby! Can't wait to see you in person!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting. I'm trying to do the math and figure out if you were pregnant when we saw you at the reunion! =)

    I hope you feel better soon. That's so much fun to get an ultrasound! We go in for our first one if a couple of weeks.

    I'm not sure how our kids will be related, but they will be pretty close in age!

    Congrats again!
