Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to my niece and nephew who turned 3 on Sunday! This is the first birthday I couldn't celebrate with them because they just moved, but I'll see them next weekend.

This was the ultimate meal on that stinkin hot day the other day. BLTs with cheese (of course) on Ciabatta bread from the New French Bakery take and bake line found and Hy-Vee or Dahl's. Good plug, huh. It's a little spendy, but so GOOD! If you've ever been overseas, you must try this because it's really similar and it will totally take you back. Hard crusty outside, soft and warm inside. I get it a lot when we have company. Mmmmmmm. Who doesn't have a picture of their kid in adult sunglasses? Look at those skinny, little legs.

1 comment:

  1. love those sunglasses!
    that bread looks awesome...i think i need some!!! i think i would eat so many more sandwiches for lunch if i had bread like that....great idea.
