Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just so you know....

Old Navy (Merle Hay, at least) is an extra 50% off their clearance clothes. And they have got a TON of little kid clothes left! I found the sale yesterday and was able to only spend $1.05 and felt good about it and then went back today and did a little more damage. I have to admit that I bought 2 little girl dresses and a pair of shoes. I figure I can always bring them back, or I'm sure there will be some girls coming soon that I can give them to! They were just too cute and only $3. Could you resist it? I'm sure I'm having a boy, which is great!, but I figure there's no harm in looking at cute little girl clothes until I know for sure. Right?

It's been a great week so far. I'm feeling really good and although a nap still does me good and I'm in bed awfully early, I'm feeling some energy come back. Could it be the 2nd trimester feeling goodness people talk about? When I was pregnant with Henry I was working 10 hour days plus overtime so if I did have a burst in energy I certainly didn't feel it. Anyways, it feels good. My appetite and love for food isn't back to normal, but that's fine with me! It will be soon enough.

Have a lovely rest of your Tuesday! I'm heading off to a MOPS meeting tonight and then it starts next Friday. Can't wait!!

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