Monday, September 8, 2008

RJ informs me that I say every weekend is my favorite weekend, but this one really, really was! We went for a cold, picnic supper on Friday night at Walnut Woods and then met RJ's bro and family at Drake Diner for dessert. We had the whole screened in patio to ourselves so it worked out perfectly for the kids to run around and play while we got to chat. Saturday we woke up early and went to Raccoon River park to play and go on a walk. Again, it was really cold, but so fun. I love getting out and doing stuff like that as a family. RJ worked all afternoon, but was able to get home for supper so he and I got to have Friday AND Saturday night together at home. This never happens and we loved it! Sunday was a great day spent with our church family.

Henry was so clingy to RJ this weekend and would barely come to me. It was pretty sweet to watch how obsessed he gets with his daddy. Tonight we've enjoyed an especially goofy child and now I'm listening to Henry while RJ gives him his bath. Good stuff.

I love weekends spent doing things spur of the moment and getting out and doing as much as we can as a family. It was fan-tabular.

I will be 13 weeks on Wednesday so to celebrate I let myself have some caffeine. Oh, how I've missed you, Coke!

My very talented and gracious friend, Alisa, redid my website. Check it out. Isn't it the coolest?

Pictures from the park


  1. Congrats on your pregnancy! And hitting 13 weeks? That's wonderful and no small task! :) Great looking new web site... love to see the new pieces - awesome! Alisa's a pretty great friend, no?

  2. You got some super cute pictures at the park! I hope you got one your mom will like! Of course, it helps that Henry is just so stinkin' cute! I can't wait to see this cute baby on-the-way!
