Monday, September 15, 2008

A month ago, I was incredibly down and lonely in this little house and feeling very sorry for myself. The last couple of weeks, and this upcoming week are jam packed with fun-ness. Henry and I sat down for Sunday morning breakfast and I realized that he hadn't eaten a meal in his chair since Thursday lunch since we've been out and about so much. Monday is usually my babysitting day, but I got the early call and we didn't have to go over. This doesn't happen too often, but when it does it never fails that it ends up being perfect timing. Henry was able to sleep until 7:15 for the 3rd day in a row! He was up during the night a couple of times, but sleeping in that late is fantastic for him. In fact, he's already resting again--don't know if it will turn into a nap, but it is awfully quiet. He has some major catching up to do on sleep!

The weather is going to be gorgeous this week! I'm happy to see the sun again. I liked the first one or two gloomy days, but as much as I love fall, I wasn't quite ready to see summer be completely gone.

Well, I hope you all have a great start to your week!


  1. I hope your life slows down a bit reading material is getting a bit low. :)
    Enjoy the sunshine!
