Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh me. Oh my.

This isn't an actual picture I took, but it's pretty much exactly what we just ate. RJ's uncle is a chef and is in town, and he and RJ's bro and fam and some friends met out at Saylorville at an amazing shelter and had ourselves a seafood boil. Henry downed about 5 mussels, 2 cobs of corn, and potatoes, and I ate so much shrimp that if I think about it now I almost get sick. It was so amazing. I had never eaten a boil before. We lined the picnic tables with newspaper, dumped the food on top and all sat around and just dug in. Awesome!
Tomorrow it's the farmer's market and a gourmet meal made by Uncle Chef. If only my appetite was at 100%.....
I partook in a garage sale all day at a friend's house in Ankeny. It was a lot of fun to socialize and Henry took a killer 4 hour nap in the basement. I may be going there everyday for nap time from here on out.
Here's to a good weekend. And here's to maybe a little chance that the rain will stop?

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so good! You guys have super cool family! I have an uncle that scans beaches with a metal coolness here!
    Hope you're having a great weekend!
