Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gone. It's gone. My last Sticks piece if forever gone. Yee Haw! I never thought it was going to sell and then out of the blue I got an email on a Craigslist ad I had posted over a month ago. I do have a tinge of seller's remorse, but I'll get over it real fast. It was huge. There just wasn't a good place for it. And I was just SO over it. Yippee!! Now only if we didn't have to be responsible with the money.....

Hope everyone is having a great week! One of my friends had a baby boy and now I'm anxiously waiting on the next one. Oh, how I love little babies! This pregnancy is starting to feel so long because I daydream all the time about holding our little lady. It can not come soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your sale! I knew it would sell sooner or later! But it is sad that it's gone. It was such a beautiful work of art - just like all your paintings!
