Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Apparently, my grandpa was taller in my mind, or he shrunk, or maybe a little of both, but either way, isn't he cute? This 90 year old still has it all together and it's so great to see how strong he is. A lot of stories were shared about him that day and a lot had to do with how particular and neat he is about his clothing and house, etc. Why couldn't I have gotten any of that!??!
We had a great weekend with my family.
We met my sister and her family for supper Saturday night and my little 5 year old nephew, Ben, was so excited to give Henry a present. It was $1 from his allowance. He told his dad when he got his allowance that he wanted to give some to Henry. That is just the sweetest thing these ears have ever heard. It was so fun to watch Henry play with his cousins. Again, it was a great time!
This week will hopefully bring about 2 new babies in our church family and I can not stinking wait to hear the news.
Lasagna is cooking in the oven. I crave Italian food these days. And chocolate. And orange juice. And popcorn. And Laffy Taffys. And.......

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