Friday, October 10, 2008


What a perfect Fall day! I have a feeling this will be the prime fall foliage weekend and I can't wait. We don't have anything planned so it should be fun to run around and do whatever.

I met a couple expecting their first baby downtown last night in their condo. It's being renovated right now, but you can tell it's going to be amazing. It's on the 15th floor with awesome views through huge windows, a huge deck, and some gorgeous bathrooms and kitchen. Wowzers. I was really nervous, but there was no need because they were incredibly nice. So once the nursery is painted I'll head on down and do a super cute flower/bug theme all over the walls from floor to ceiling. Should be fun!

I've been thinking a lot about baby names. Any good suggestions? I need some good boy ideas....

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. I have no suggestions, but if people give you boy ideas I may borrow a few! Mark and I can never agree on boy names...girls we never have a problem. Probably a sign that I will never have girls!
    Glad to hear things are going well, can't wait to find out the gender.

  2. I'll give you some of mine that Chris vetoed:
    Weston (Wes)

  3. I just told RJ the name Grayson the other day! I love it. Him, not so much. Thanks for the ideas!!

  4. These were the 2 that we liked but aren't going to use now! lol!

    Elijah (Eli)
