Monday, October 13, 2008


I was not ready to get up this morning, but what can you do? We had a great weekend here doing nothing. We went on a good walk Saturday morning and ate at Brueggar's on the way back. For some reason I have been craving that place and needed to get it out of my system!

Today is baking/cooking day. I'm bringing a meal to a church friend and am looking forward to holding their sweet little boy. On the menu is Alisa's Dutch Apple Bread and Giada's Meatball Heroes. For this family, it's Italian Sausage Sandwiches. I guess it's a sandwich kind of day.

I'm also picking up a double stroller from someone on Craigslist. I've been looking for a long time and decided to just do it. Ones that are in good condition seem to always be at least $75 so I didn't feel like holding out for the small chance I'd find a good one for any cheaper. The one I found is a nice, neutral color and was only used twice. Hello!?!? Isn't it cute?

I'm off to start cooking. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Super nice double stroller! What a deal!
    Do you want to have a race around the mall sometime? I've been training with my 30 pound ornery weights, so I'm good to go! :)
