Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Room makeovers....

Big boy room.
Baby girl room.

The office will become Henry's room. I've collected an odd mix of boy stuff from pirates to cowboys to puppies. It's an olive green color, which I think I'll keep, but am thinking of painting some sort of border in a turquoise-y color too. I'm really excited to do his room, but it does make me a little sad that he'll be out of the nursery....

Baby girl room. I like funky and I like sweet, shabby chic. Which way do I go? I think I'm leaning more towards the elegant, softer side with hints of funky/eclectic. Like getting a chandelier and painting this on the wall:

But I don't have the best wall space for this, so I'll keep searching. I've got a l o n g time to think about this....
I had a great time at the mall today with my great friend and her sweet boys. It was great.
And I'm pooped.
Happy, rainy Wednesday!

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