Friday, October 24, 2008


My Grandpa Bloom is turning 90! Can you imagine what it would be like to live that long? He's about 6'2" with big strong shoulders and never seems to age. Both of our familes are full of tall men, but somehow my dad ended up being only 5'11" with a brother who's 6'4". He's my last grandparent and I don't get to see him too often so I'm really excited for his big party on Sunday in Minnesota. My grandma passed away when I was a senior in high school after a long illness and then he remarried a sweet lady named Ardie (10 years younger!) about 7 years ago. It's really quite sweet.

We'll be seeing all my nieces an nephews as well and I'm really excited since we don't all get together very often anymore.

Henry and I are off to see a friend who is in town from Nebraska and we're going out for lunch. This will be the 3rd meal this week with friends. It's been a good one!

Happy Weekend!

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