Friday, November 14, 2008


Today should be great! I'm heading to a consignment sale this morning and then an ultrasound this afternoon. Our niece and nephew are coming over at 5 and then spending the night. All sorts of fun stuff.

We went out with a couple in missions last night who have spoken at our church a couple of times. It was so encouraging. Their goal is to spread Christ's love through art. Awesome! They aren't ones to "evangelize" and hand out tracts, but to develop sincere relationships first and then disciple them. It was so refreshing to hear. I look forward to what may come from all of this in the future, wether it's helping them with art projects around our metro, or where ever else!

Henry did amazingly well with the time change last week. Somehow it made him sleep in later. He slept past 7 some days! This week he's back to the old time and up around 5:30 or 6 completely ready to start his day. We leave him in there for a while, and it usually ends in a long time of screaming. Hopefully next week will be back to normal! Our newborn has a very good chance of sleeping better than our 2 year old.

I bought my first bottle of Tums for this pregnancy last night. With Henry I finished my last one the night before I had him. Too bad it isn't true that my baby will have a lot of hair.

Hope you all enjoy this day and have a great weekend!

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