Sunday, November 16, 2008


What a great weekend. The ultrasound was excellent and confirmed that yes, it's still a girl! Now I feel 100% confident in turning the nursery girlie. She was sleepy during it and we saw her yawn. It was sweet. I can not wait to meet this little miss. She had always been measuring a couple of days smaller than our due date, but she's right on track now.

Yesterday, I went with my niece to a craft show in the morning and then RJ and I went on a date Saturday night in Ankeny. It was very nice, of course.

Today, RJ turned 29. 29! I read a lot of blogs where the wife writes a really sweet letter to her husband and I love that, but RJ requests I keep that stuff private so I must honor it. Oh, but let me just say that this man only gets better and better every year. I love him beyond words. He's my favorite person. Ever. Triple-dog ever. And I can't believe this means we only have one more year lefts in our 20s.....

Since we had all fun he had to work this afternoon. Henry is taking a killer nap to make up for his early morning habits, but once he wakes up we're going to make a huge chocolate cake.

Happy Sunday!


  1. oooooooooooohhh! I can't believe I missed it! I'm sorry, RJ! Happy Birthday. Oh, how glad I am God created you. You've been a wonderful friend to me through the years and we've had some great laughs together. Hope you had a good day!
